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Bishop G.E Patterson!" The Prayer Of Jabez!" - YouTube | Wisdom

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"Lets Have A Prayer Meeting" Bishop G.E. Patterson - YouTube

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Bishop GE Patterson Praise Break!!! - YouTube

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Bishop G. E. Patterson (Part 3) (Laying Hands and Praying) "Luke Chap
Bishop GE Patterson You Can Recover All - YouTube | Patterson, Sermon

Bishop GE Patterson You Can Recover All - YouTube | Patterson, Sermon



Bishop G.E Patterson!" The Prayer Of Jabez!" - YouTube | Wisdom

Bishop G.E Patterson!" The Prayer Of Jabez!" - YouTube | Wisdom

"Lets Have A Prayer Meeting" Bishop G.E. Patterson - YouTube

"Lets Have A Prayer Meeting" Bishop G.E. Patterson - YouTube

Cogic Bishop Ge Patterson Sermon At Morning Manna Pt1

Cogic Bishop Ge Patterson Sermon At Morning Manna Pt1

God Can Turn It Around Praise Break!-Bishop G.E. Patterson | Devotional

God Can Turn It Around Praise Break!-Bishop G.E. Patterson | Devotional

Church of God in Christ | March 14, 2003 | Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly

Church of God in Christ | March 14, 2003 | Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly

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